We can’t all meet in a tavern

I am sure everyone has experienced a game (or two) where the party meets in a tavern on some long night after traveling all day. The GM asks each player to describe their character and a new adventuring party is born.

There is no rule though that the characters have to meet in the game. It is often easier if the characters all have a predefined connection1 before the game begins as it ties the characters together and you don’t need to role-play those scenes (i.e. You look into their eyes across the table to discern if you can trust them…).

In Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, the character Background is a great way to embed these connections. If you can integrate a singular party patron into the group backgrounds I think that can also add value; that way you have a singular connection point across the party while also having a way to hook the party into the game.

Knights of Danathrin

The Knights of Danathrin are a martial order that has a presence throughout Faestruere offering their services as mercenaries. They can secure a merchant’s premises from break-ins, aid the city watch in investigations, or help track down missing goods.

Emulating their founder Lord Danathrin, the Knights are honor-bound to hold their oaths and help their community. Outside of martial services, they also provide other services like banking, information brokerage, and mail services. They have garrisons throughout the Upper World and some throughout the Sunken Sea.

Name: Knight of Danathrin Guard

Description: You are a guard within the Knight’s soldiering corp regularly assigned to different contracts undertaken by the Knights such as protecting caravans, and buildings, or guarding merchants as they travel to market.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception

Tool Proficiencies: Sharpening Tools

Languages: Warrior Cant

Equipment: Longsword or Halberd, Shield, Studded Leather Armor, Dagger, Uniform Garb

Feature: Guard, Guards, Guards

Given your experience, you’re familiar with the basics of securing a building or a person while also being familiar with guard schedules, fighting alongside others, and hierarchical command structure.

Name: Knight of Danathrin Agent

Description: You are an irregular with the Knights. Rather than guarding a caravan or supplanting militia, you work for the Knights to gather information as a spy.

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth

Tool Proficiencies: Thieves Tools or Disguise Kit

Equipment: leather armor, 2 daggers, thieves’ tools OR disguise kit, adventuring garb

Feature: Watch & Listen

You are familiar with the local criminal underworld, rumor mill, and politics. This includes knowing the large crime syndicates and their leadership, key political figures, and any other noteworthy individuals.

  1. These are great topics to chat about during Session Zero as everyone is building their characters.